Thursday, 31 May 2012

Louis Vuitton Barcelona (May 2012)

This is the Barcelona version of the new window scheme of Louis Vuitton. The men window has a TV screen surrounded by the paper shirts! Enjoy!

Replay new window (May 2012)

Few days ago I posted pictures from the Replay store in Barcelona, which itself is amazing! Today passing by I noticed a change on one of the windows. There was a boxing ring, boxers, a ring girl, a happy and a sad face and lots of paper details!

Benetton windows (May 2012)

Half a month ago I posted a picture of the new window scheme of Benetton and today I thought of posting some more pictures!
The men and women windows only consists of the colourful palm tree, with the men window having rests of yarn on the floor. But the kids window has a surprise…lots of goldfish and a cat watching them…’Splash into summer’!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Bershka new window

Pastel and neon colours at the new Bershka window!

Casas summer window

Casas, a catalan shoe store, has the treasures of the deep sea and the countryside at its windows!

Tezenis summer window

Tezenis is going to the beach and its windows are full of ice cream cones, beach buckets and shovels!